
If you want to get a deep, dark tan, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing it. If you go about tanning the wrong way you can end up getting a nasty sunburn and doing a lot of damage to your skin, or it can take much longer than it needs to in order to achieve the results you are looking for. We are going to share some tips to effective tanning for deep bronze color on this page to help you get the results you want as quickly as possible.

Preparation Before Tanning

Before you head out to the beach or to your local tanning salon, there are some things you can do to get prepared for a better tan. One thing that you can do is to shave before you tan. If you shave after you tan, you’ll be removing some of the dead skin cells on the surface and your tan will actually fade a little bit. If you are going to shave, do so before you go out tanning and shave several hours before you go tanning to give your skin a chance to recover.

A lot of people also recommend exfoliating before you go tanning. Exfoliating will remove as many dead skin cells as possible, skin cells that would flake away and cause your tan to fade. It’s also a good idea to use a moisturizer because exposing your skin to UV light can dry it out. Use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and look for a moisturizer or a suntan lotion that contains essential oils, vitamins, and antioxidants to help prevent damage caused by UV rays.

The Tanning Process

Avoid overexposure to ultraviolet light. Your exposure to UV light should be done in short periods over several days or even possibly a couple of weeks. Too much ultraviolet light at any given time can cause a sunburn and many people falsely believe that a sunburn will fade into a beautiful tan. This is not the case, all a sunburn will do is damage your skin.

It’s best to start with short tanning sessions of just 5 to 10 minutes. You can do that twice per day and you can gradually increase the amount of time you spend tanning. If you are tanning the old fashion way, by lying out in the sun, try to avoid doing so during the middle of the day when the sun is strongest. Avoid tanning between 11 AM and 3 PM to avoid the harshest rays. If you are visiting a tanning salon, the ultraviolet light can be adjusted to your desired strength so these time restrictions won’t be an issue.

What to Do after a Tanning Session

We recommended that you moisturize your skin before you tan and we would also recommend that you use a moisturizer after tanning. Keeping your skin hydrated is very important. It’s also a good idea to take a shower after tanning to remove any oils or suntan lotions from your skin, but apply your moisturizer after your shower.